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Lincoln University Off-Campus Housing

Lincoln University Off-Campus Housing - Oakland, CA

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Welcome to Lincoln University Off-Campus Housing - Oakland, CA

At Lincoln, we pride ourselves both on the quality of our education and its relevance in today's professional world. Each program within the university is designed to ensure that all of the acquired knowledge and skills will be valuable to its graduates, providing a practical and solid foundation for the student's future. We make sure that every part of our students' education serves a purpose and brings them closer to accomplishing their professional goals.

Since its founding in 1919, around the same time as many of America's top schools, the university has chosen to deliver the best, custom-fit education to the select few, rather than provide the widest range of subjects and cater to the widest possible audience. Lincoln begins with a highly competent faculty and the most useful educational programs, and mentors each student all the way to graduation. Our students' success proves that we make the right choices.